Palestine is the name of the homeland of the Jewish people,or as the Jews call it,the
land of Israel.
today,its allready become widly accepted that the sollution to the Arab-Jewish conflict is a two state solution,but many people get it totaly wrong when they think that the Gaza strip and the west bank are *palestine* while in realty,all of the land on both sides of the Jordan river are Palestine,or as Jews call it,the land of Israel,the land of their fathers,zion,the holly land.for the Arabs themself it is clear that *palestine* or as they call it,falastin,is also from both the banks of the Jordan river,and not just the west bank and the how come people get it so wrong?how come the only thing that both Jews and both Arabs actuly agree on is totaly ignored by so many people?
how did Emanuel kant,that lived in the 18 century called the Jews?
page 72
what is the name Palestine?what its origins?
well,you might be very surprise to hear that,but the meaning of the name Palestine is actully....Israel!!!
the name *Palestine* was born in the 5 century b.c by the Greek historian,Heredotus.
he wrote about the *
Syrians of Palestine*,which he wrote:*
according to their own account,dwelt anciently upon the erythraean sea,
but crossing thence,fixed themself of the seacoast of Syria,where they still inhabit.this part of Syria,and all of the region extending from hence to Egypt,is know by the name Palestine.*it is clear that herodotus described the Jewish people,and their central history in which they were slaves in Egypt,until they crossed the red sea and settelled in the land of Israel,3500 years ago.
in another time that herodotus mentioned the Syrians of Palestine he record that;*t
he Egyptians,and the Ethiopians are the only nations who have practiced circumcision from the earliest time.the Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine themself confess that they learnt the costum of the Egyptians..*here again herodotus speak about the Jews,who practice circumcision as their most important rule.
and no:herodotus dosent mean Arabs when he say Syrians of Palestine,when he talk aboout the Arabs or about Arabia he say it clearly.
herodotus called Jerusalem,the most hollies city for the Jews for more then 3000 years,Cadyits,as he say;
he country from Phoenicia to the borders of the city cadyits belong to the people called the Palestine Syrians.*
herodotus lived from 484 b.c to 425 b.c and it is said that he did his travels around the world from 468 b.c to 444 b.c, that time,assuming that herodotus really visited Palestine,was already afther the kingdom of Judea was destroied by the Babylonians in 586 b.c,but after the Jews returned from Babylonia to restored the holly tempel in Jerusalem in 338 b.c.
so when herodotus was in Palestine it was under the control of the Persian empire,and Judea was a small theocratic province that its center was Jerusalem.
during the time between 464 b.c and 444 b.c,Judea was under the leadership of Ezra and later Nehemia,so when herodotus was talking about the Syrians of Palestine he talked about the returning Jews that lived in Judea from Jaffa to Jerusalem,but also on the Sameretens that practice the same religion as Jews and lived in the Samaria area,while in the Gallilei and trans Jordan there were still living some Judeans,Israelis that werent exiled by the Assyrians,and former Cnnanians that observe some of the Jews laws after dweling together for such along time.there are no other nations that can be included becouse herodotus desrcibe the Phoenicians that expended to the south coast of Palestine instead of the Philistins,and the Arabs that setteled in the Gaza area after they were brougth there by the Babylonians and Persians,and even the book of Ezara mentioned them.
Palestine means Israel
The name Israel ,means in Hebrew-*
to wrestle with a god*,this is after the biblical story in which Jacov,the father of all the 12 Israeli tribes,wrestle an angel.
Palestine is most defently a word in Greek,PALI in Greek means *
to wrestle*.there is no doubt that the Palestine is a translation of the name Israel.
here watch the greek letters;
PALESTINE Παλαιστίνη
wrestle πάλη
the similarity is amasing,too amasing to be unconected.
no conection to the Phistines
some people say that the name Palestine derived from the Plishtims,or as they are called in english,the Philistines.
indeed some people actualy belive that the *palestinans* or the Arabs in Israel,are a decendent of that ancient people,but the historic fate is that the Philistines are long gone,and not even herodotus talked about them.
what happened to them?
well after the great Israeli king,king David defeated the Plishtim in around 1000 b.c,they were centered in their 5 main cities in the southers coast of Israel,called by the Jews Paleshet,from the 10 century b.c to the 6 century b.c.
their main 5 cities were Gaza,gath,ashkelon,ashdod,and Ekron.
what happened to those cities?
Ashdod,was destroied by the Assyrians in the 8 centtury by the Saron II, and was finaly destroied by the Babylonians in 605 b.c,the inhabitants were exiled.
Ashkelon,was destroied by the Babylonians in 604 b.c and its inhabitants were exiled.
Gath,was destroied already in the 9 century by hazael,king of the Aramim.
Ekron,was destroied by the Babylonians in 603 b.c,and its poppulation was exiled.
Gaza was destroyed by the Persians in the 6 century and was finaly destroied complitly by the Greeks in 332 b.c.
so the name palestine didnt came from them:though it is very common to assum that.
the Roamans and the Byzants
The name Palestine was not an official name for the area during the Hellenist occupation from 332 b.c to 167 b.c and not during the second Jewish kingdom from 167 b.c to 135 a.d,and during that time the south coast area of Palestine was not called like that.
when Judea lost its independence to the Roman empier in 135 a.d after the Bar kokva revolt,it is belived that the Romans chang the name of the country to Palestine,the Jews belived that it was inorder to disconnect the connection between the Jews to their homeland and by that to eventualy erase them as a nation,however,its possible that the name Palestine for the area only started during the Byzantin occupation in 356 b.c,becouse a on a burial stone that was fouind in Turkey,there is a mention of the Flavius buatus,the governor of Judea until 186 a.d,meaning 50 years after the name of the area was suposly changed.
during the Byzantin occuption from 356 to 634,the area was divided to three areas,Palestina prima,secunda and therta.those sub divisions didnt reflect any enthnical difference,the capital was Cesaria,but the Jews didnt mind at that time to be called Palestinains,they had their Palestinian Talmud that they complied around 351 a.d that precced the Babylonian Talmud,and they had the Palestinian Sanhedrin,which was a Jewish parlament of 120 people headed by the Nasi,which was from the famouse Hillel family of wise men,and ruled the Jews in Palestine and represented them in front of the Romans for more then 400 years from 10 a.d to 425 a.d.
the Arab occupation of Palestine
the Arabs occupied Palestine from the Byzants in 638 and complited taking over the land in 650 a.d.
the Arabs subdivided territoies that they conqured from the Persians and Byzantins into provinces.Palestien was under the A SHAM province,or Syria.the country was again sub divided in to the southern area was called JUND FALASTIN while the northen area was called JUND URDUN,meaning the army base of Palestine and the army base of Jordan,and there was no ethnical difference between the two provinces,surely not for the Jews.
most of the poppulats were Christinas,while the Gallile was mainly Jewish,especialy the cities of Tiberias and Cesaria.The Arab occupation allowed the Jews to dweel in Jerusalem and many Jews from the Gallieli and from over seas setteld there.
in 720 the Arabs built the city Ramla and forcely setteled it with the inhabitants of the city of Lidia,which were mainly Jews,and indid Ramla,or filastin as it was called,was mainly Jewsih during the entire Arab occupation from 638 to 1099.
The Palestinains Jews had their of leaders and wise men,the Gehonim,and they compited with the Babylonians wise men and yeshivas,some time there were very harsh arguments between them and Babylonian Jews used to send letters to communties over seas in Spain and France warning them not to listen to the Palestininans.
during the fatimid period,from 935 to 1035,the center of the Muslim empier was Cairo in Egypt,and it attracted many intelectual Jews,in Cairo there were two kind of Jews,the Babylonians from one hand and the Palestinains from the other,even in Cairo those two groups competed for prestige.
it is clear that at that time the name Palestinians was appropriate for Jews and Christians but not realy for Muslims.the famouse Arab historian Al muqadasi from the 10 century didty call himself Palestinian but rather al muqadasi meaning from Jerusalem.
the name Palestine is forgotten
from 1099 to 1260 the country was under the occupation of the Crusaders ,at that time the country was called the holly land,or the kingdome of Jerusalem.
from 1260 the Mamluks resumed Muslim occupation of the Land but the name Palestine was dropped.the entier land was called A-SHAM a the land was subdivided into a two provinces again,Gaza in the south and Zafet in the north.
in 1517 the land was occupaied by the Ottomans,an occupaion that will alst until 1917,but during that time the name Palestine was never used as an administrative name,the land was divided to the control of Damascus and the control of Sydon.
the Jews that lived in Israel at that time were called from time to time Palestinains,in 1798 when Napoleon boneparte invaded the land ,he tried to convince the Jews in Israel to join forces with him,and in return he would allow them to restore their independence in their old homeland.the Jews for Napoleon were the
*legal owners of Paletine*.
please notice that an independent Arab-Muslim state called Palestine never exited.
the British mandat restore Palestine as the independent state of the Jewish people.
from 1777 from 1882 there was an increasing number of Jews returning from the exile to dwell in Palestine,their homeland,while of on the same time there was an increasing number of Arabs setteling in the coast line of Palestine,espcialy in Jaffa,Gaza,and 1840 there was already a Jewish majority in Jerusalem.
from 1882 the modern Zionist movment begin to advocat for the return of the Jewish people back to Palestine and the establishment of an independnet Jewish state in it.
the returning Jews bought land ,usually deserted swamp lands ,dried off the swamps and cultiveted fields,those fields attracted many Arabs from neighboring countries to try to look for work there.the Jews also settel in the cities and developed the industry and commerce in the Jaffa and Haifa,and attracted even more Arabs from Egypt for example,to settel there.
Herzel,the leader of the Zionist movment until 1905 and the *Father* of the restored Jewish independecy in their homeland,all the time use the name Palestine in his writings;*Palestine is our historical homeland no one can forgetr that.the name Palestine alone for our people is a great coming back call.for Jews and Zionist the name Palestine and Erets Israel can be used in the same sentence but it will still mean the same thing,becosue it means the same thing.
the Jews help the British to conquer the land
Zionist Jews joined the British army in its war against the Ottomans,the zion mule corps helped the Brtish army in Galipoly from 1915.
the great Zionist leader Zabutinsky created the Jewish regiment that procced to the 38th battalion of the royal fusilleirs,which conqured Samaria and the east bank of the Jordan river in 1918,most of its trops and officres were Jews from London.
the 39th battalion of the royal fusillers, also joined the fight in Samaria and trans Jordan,its trops were mainly American Jews,among the David ben gurion,that will later be the first prime minister of Israel,and Itshak ben zvi,later the presedent of Israel.
all of those battalions were Jewish battalions with Jewish simbols and they spoke Hebrew.
on the same time,a secret net of Jewish spys called *nili* supplied the British with valuable information about the Ottomans until they were cought in 1917.according to british assement,the life of around 30,000 british soldiers were spare becouse of NILI,that some of its agent were Jewish soldeirs and officers in the Ottoman army.
in 1917 the Ottomans expelled the Jews from Tel aviv,this only shows you how important was the Jews support for the british.
the Jews and Arabs sign a peace agreement
the only Arabs that supported the British were the Hashemits,and thats why after the war they recived from the British Iraq and Syria.
Hussein ben ali and his two sons,Abdalla and Faisel,supported the British in their war against the Ottomans.
Hussein was the governor of the Hijaz area in Arabia,and after reciveing a promise from the British governor of Egypt that in return for their help the British would establish a great Arab kingdom in the middel east,helped the British by forcing the Ottomans to defend Medina with great force,thus denying the Ottomans the troops they needed against the British.
on the 3th of Januar 1919 Faisel signed an agreement with the Jews,represented by Haim waismen.
in that agreement it was understood that the Jews are the PALESTINIANS;
and that agreement was accepted in the Paris peace conference .
All necessary measures shall be taken to encourage and stimulate immigration of Jews into Palestine on a large scale, and as quickly as possible to settle Jewish immigrants upon the land through closer settlement and intensive cultivation of the soil. In taking such measures the Arab peasant and tenant farmers shall be protected in their rights and shall be assisted in forwarding their economic development
the British promised
on the 2th of november 1917 the British anounced their famous Balfour declaration;
His Majesty's Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country".
base on article 22 of the league of nations covenant and the Paris peace conference the mandate of Palestine was issued to the Jewish people as it is said;
Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country;
Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country;
Article 2
The Mandatory shall be responsible for placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home, as laid down in the preamble, and the development of self-governing institutions, and also for safeguarding the civil and religious rights of all the inhabitants of Palestine, irrespective of race and religion.
Article 6
The Administration of Palestine, while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced, shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes
Article 7
The Administration of Palestine shall be responsible for enacting a nationality law. There shall be included in this law provisions framed so as to facilitate the acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by Jews who take up their permanent residence in Palestine.
the san remo agreeement from July 24 1922 ratified that;
The Council of the League of Nations:
Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and
Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country; and
Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connexion of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country
during the British mandat only the Jews call themself Palestinians
the British mandat of Palestine started from 1922 an lasted until 1947.the Jews used that opurtunity to start re-bulding their independent state and they started to develop the country.
the first Jewish bank in Palestine was the ANGLO -PALESTINE BANK,which is today called in Israel BANK LEUMI which means national was established in 1902.thats the bank that builded Tel aviv and help financing many of the industries in the land.
another compamy is AMPEL,AMERICAN PALESTINE TRADING CORPORATION that invested in many Israeli industries.
the Palestine electric company was founded by Jews and supplied Electricity to all of Palestine.
another example is that in 1934 there where the FIFA world cup games and the Palestine participated in the games.
the games started in Cairo and continues in Tel aviv,in Palestine.
The Palestine football team consisted of nine British footballers, six Jewish footballers and one Arab footballer.
it is interesting to hear David ben gurion speak to holocust survivers after WW2 and he is saying;
it was the Jewish people who built Palestine,it was Palestine who built the Jewish people.
in WW2 the Jews in Palestine joined again to the British in the was against the Nazis.they were called the Palestine regiment;
the Arabs seems to reject the name Palestine for the mandat;
M. Palacios [Spanish representative], returning to the concrete questions of a general character of which the Arabs complained, recalled those concerning the national title, the national hymn and the flag.... As regards the first point, the Arabs claimed that it was not in conformity with Article 22 of the Mandate to print the initials and even the words "Eretz Israel" after the name "Palestine" while refusing the Arabs the title "Surial Janonbiah" ("Southern Syria"). The British Government had not accepted the use of this Arab title, but gave the place of honour to the Hebrew word used for 2,000 years and decided that the official name in Hebrew was "Palestina" followed by the initials signifying "Aleph Jod", the regular Hebrew name. Was the question still under discussion and could the accredited representative give the Commission any further information? Colonel Symes explained that the country was described as "Palestine" by Europeans and as "Falestin" by the Arabs. The Hebrew name for the country was the designation "Land of Israel", and the Government, to meet Jewish wishes, had agreed that the word "Palestine" in Hebrew characters should be followed in all official documents by the initials which stood for that designation. As a set-off to this, certain of the Arab politicians suggested that the country should be called "Southern Syria" in order to emphasise its close relation with another Arab Stat
the Jews are the real Palestinians.
in the 60th there was a movie with Paul newman called EXODUS.
in that movie it is very interesting that he call the Jews that live in Palestine as Palestinians;
watch the movie exodus part 12 minute 4-56 Paul newmans mother say;every girl falling in love with a Palestinian boy has a long way coming.